
Bloomberg.com: News

Bloomberg.com: News: "Subprime `Tsunami' Hits Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Market

By Mark Pittman and Elizabeth Stanton

Aug. 8 (Bloomberg) -- Companies are extending payments on commercial paper backed by home loans for the first time as the subprime mortgage crisis spreads to debt perceived to be among the safest in the market, according to Moody's Investors Service.

Units of American Home Mortgage Investment Corp., the residential-mortgage lender that filed for bankruptcy, Luminent Mortgage Capital Inc., facing margin calls from lenders, and Aladdin Capital Management LLC, this week exercised an option allowing them to delay repaying the debt, Moody's said.

The three issuers are probably the only ones to defer payments since extendible asset-backed commercial paper was first sold 12 years ago, according to New York-based Moody's. The failure of some companies to pay on time has cast a pall over the securities, which are considered to be almost risk free, said Lee Epstein, chief executive officer of Money Market One."

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