
Russia to help China oust the USA from Eurasia - Pravda.Ru

Russia to help China oust the USA from Eurasia - Pravda.Ru: "It was China, which preserved Russia's integrity during the US triumph in 1991-1993: the dismembered Russia would deprive China of the strategic back area. In its struggle for Russia, China will inevitably try to put an end to USA's expansion attempts towards the Far East of Russia. One may expect Chinese politicians making statements about the USA's threat to Russia: China and the USA will most likely commence negotiations about the division of the spheres of influence in the Far Eastern region. When the USSR collapsed in 1991, China was left alone face to face with the USA. The conflict potential of relations between the USA and China has been growing nonstop since then. One may say that the USA has been involved in the conflict with China from 2003, although it is a financial and economic struggle so far. The war of the American and Chinese economies may be toughened by 2009 with US-placed embargoes. China might exercise its military potential in return with a view to demoralize the West. China has been trying to restrain and oust the USA from Eurasia with a threat to destroy the US dollar as the global measure of value."

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