
Employment is well, all is well..

Employment is a lagging indicator and shouldn't be looked too closely. It's also unclear whether the employment statistics take into account contractors that don't earn money any more but actually haven't lost their jobs.

Bloomberg.com: U.S.: "No Big Disaster

Some investors say sustained consumer spending and jobs growth may help offset the impact of mortgage defaults.

A report due later today may show that payrolls rose 127,000 after a 132,000 gain in June, according to the median estimate of economists surveyed by Bloomberg. The jobless rate is forecast to hold at 4.5 percent for a fourth month, near a six-year low.

``Subprime will not derail the economy and we're not calling for a big disaster,'' said Hans Goetti, Singapore-based managing director at Citi Private Bank, which has assets of $100 billion in Asia. ``Consumer spending will not fall off the cliff as a result.''"

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